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Welcome to the CforGood API! You can use our API to access CforGood API


Cforgood expects to be included in all API requests to the server in a header the email and token that looks like the following:

Request headers

Parameter Description
X-User-Email “”
X-User-Token “1G8_s7P-V-4MGojaKD7a”

Check email

This endpoint check if email already exist in database.

HTTPS Request


Request headers

Parameter Description
email “”

This endpoint control if email is present or not in the database. If email exist, the return status is 200 and 404 if not found.

Check code partner

This endpoint check if a code partner/promo is available according to geolocation.

HTTPS Request


Response JSON structured like this:

  "code_partner": "CFORGOODBDX"

This endpoint control if the coupon code is available according to geolocation.


Response JSON structured like this:

  "id": 2,
  "email": "",
  "authentication_token": "ARIDO3557Z0Z0Z"

This endpoint allow signin user via email and password or facebook access_token.

HTTPS Request


Request headers

Parameter Description
email “”
password “mot de passe”
access_token “uid facebook”

password or access_token are optional but one of both is mandatory.

This endpoint signin a specific user.


This endpoint allow logout of the user.

HTTPS Request


This endpoint logout a specific user.


Users is an API allowing create, retrieve informations about an user and update it.

For information:

Post a specific user


{ "user":
    "first_name": "zaz",
    "last_name": "doe",
    "password": "123nuage",
    "email": "",
    "city": "Bordeaux",
    "zipcode": "33300",
    "code_partner": "LABELTERRE"

Response JSON structured like this:

  "id": 2

This endpoint creates a specific user.

HTTPS Request



Parameter Format  Description
email email with @
first_name string required
last_name string required
password string required (minimum 8 caracters)
city string required
zipcode string required
code_partner string optional

I’s a minimum fields. Fields birthday, street… are permit.

Get a specific user

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": 127,
  "email": "",
  "first_name": "Fred",
  "last_name": "Pétris",
  "name": "Frédérique Pétris",
  "ambassador": true,
  "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1487241398/tx3rxpmcq7je7he7qsnw.jpg",
  "member": true,
  "trial_done": false,
  "birthday": "1981-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
  "subscription": "M",
  "amount": 12,
  "street": "Rue Marsan",
  "zipcode": "33300",
  "city": "Bordeaux",
  "code_partner": "GIFT3MONTH",
  "status": "Abonné depuis le 16 mars 2017",
  "supervisor_attributes": {
    "supervisor_name": "Néoplanète",
    "supervisor_logo": null
  "business_supervisor_attributes": {
    "supervisor_name": "INSPIRESELF",
    "supervisor_logo": null
  "cause_attributes": {
    "id": "3",
    "name": "Ecolo Info",
    "city": "National",
    "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761753/yq5xhyxsbyy9rkxa4h6t.jpg",
    "logo": ",dpr_2.0,h_100,w_100/v1479761710/ijarsettafrhkyit22cz.jpg",
    "total_donation": 32.14
  "donation_attributes": [
      "cause_name": "Ecolo Info",
      "created_at": "2017-03-16T16:48:07+01:00",
      "subscription": "M",
      "amount": 45,
      "donation": 37.5
      "cause_name": "Ecolo Info",
      "created_at": "2017-03-16T16:49:28+01:00",
      "subscription": "M",
      "amount": 12,
      "donation": 7
  "trial_attributes": {
    "date_end_partner": "Mon, 06 Jun 2017 10:27:36 CET +01:00",
    "partner_name": "Cforgood"
  "gift_attributes": {
    "user_offering_first_name": "Mathilde",
    "user_offering_last_name": "Cforgood",
    "nb_month_beneficiary": 3
    "business_id": 23,
    "address_id": 41,
    "perk_id": 40
  "uses_without_feedback": [
      "id": 10,
      "perk_name": "Un cookie offert",
      "business_name": "Label Terre",
      "created_at": "Mon, 06 Feb 2017 10:27:36 CET +01:00"
      "id": 11,
      "perk_name": "1 ATELIER POUR 1 MINI-POTAGER :-)",
      "business_name": "Nature et potager en ville",
      "created_at": "Mon, 02 Feb 2017 17:20:02 CET +01:00"

This endpoint retrieves a specific user.

If perk uses without feedback (like, unlike or unused) present, they are return also.

HTTPS Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format  Description
id integer The id of the user to retrieve

Patch a specific user


  "user": {
    "email": "allan@cforgood",
    "first_name": "Allan",
    "last_name": "Floury",
    "birthday": "1981-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
    "subscription": "M",
    "amount": 10,
    "street": "Rue Marsan",
    "zipcode": "33300",
    "city": "Bordeaux",
    "cause_id": 9,
    "remote_picture_url": "https..."

This endpoint updates a specific user. Each field is optional. If subscription = “X”, stop subscription is activated and no other fields will be updated !

HTTPS Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format  Description
id integer The id of the use to update


Parameter Format  Description
email email with @
first_name string
last_name string
birthday datetime
subscription string “M” (monthly), “Y” (yearly), “X” (stop subscription)
amount integer
code_partner string
street string
zipcode string
city string
cause_id integer Id of the supported cause
remote_picture_url url Url of the picture loaded on Cloudinary
stripeToken string Stripe Token of the card get via Stripe


Uses is an API allowing create and update an use.

Post a new use


  { "use":
      "perk_id": "39"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 67

This endpoint creates a new use.

HTTPS Request



Parameter Format  Description
perk_id integer The id of the perk to create the corresponding use

Patch a specific use


  { "use":
      "feedback": "like"

This endpoint updates a specific use.

HTTPS Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format  Description
id integer The id of the use to update


Parameter Format  Description
feedback string like/unlike/unused

Once of the feedback is mandatory.


BusinessCategories is an API allowing retreive all the business categories.

Get all business categories

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 19,
    "name": "Mobilité",
    "color": "#867486",
    "marker_symbol": "marker-mobilite",
    "picture": "business_categories/mobilite"
    "id": 10,
    "name": "Développement personnel",
    "color": "#36d3da",
    "marker_symbol": "marker-developpement",
    "picture": "business_categories/yoga"
    "id": 11,
    "name": "Santé & Fitness",
    "color": "#c386be",
    "marker_symbol": "marker-forme",
    "picture": "business_categories/santeetbienetre.svg"

This endpoint list all business categories.

HTTPS Request



Businesses is an API allowing retrieve some businesses with their addresses and perks.

Get businesses

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 10,
    "email": "",
    "name": "La ruche des Chartrons",
    "activity": null,
    "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761848/xuhtfu5osbuttyhmfx3b.jpg",
    "business_category_id": 12,
    "like": 0,
    "online": false,
    "addresses": [
        "id": 28,
        "latitude": 44.8561327,
        "longitude": -0.576172
    "labels": [
        "name": "Engagement social"
        "name": "Modèle collaboratif/participatif"
    "perks": [
        "id": 13,
        "name": "UN CADEAU DE BIENVENUE ",
        "flash": false,
        "times_remaining": 0,
        "picture": null,
        "offer": "Offert",
        "nb_views": 177
    "id": 6,
    "name": "Origines Tea & Coffee",
    "activity": null,
    "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761822/cc8ilkgti3avgssyxnrg.jpg",
    "business_category_id": 16,
    "like": 0,
    "online": false,
    "addresses": [
        "id": 23,
        "latitude": 44.8518459,
        "longitude": -0.5718565
    "labels": [
        "name": "Action Locale"
        "name": "Circuit Court"
        "name": "Engagement social"
        "name": "Modèle collaboratif/participatif"
        "name": "Monnaie Locale"
        "name": "Politique anti-gaspillage"
        "name": "Produits éco-responsables"
        "name": "Zéro déchet"
        "name": "Énergies renouvelables"
        "name": "Épanouissement personnel"
        "name": "Animation culturelle"
    "perks": [
        "id": 7,
        "name": "-50% SUR L'ATELIER DéGUSTATION",
        "flash": false,
        "times_remaining": 0,
        "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761827/jqh5qtvzp2er33wotfyf.jpg",
        "offer": "-50 %",
        "nb_views": 52
        "id": 8,
        "name": "RAMENEZ VOS EMBALLAGES !",
        "flash": false,
        "times_remaining": 0,
        "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761828/exqxpb9ngtoqtgnmulay.jpg",
        "offer": "Offert",
        "nb_views": 21
        "id": 6,
        "name": "UN THé OFFERT !",
        "flash": false,
        "times_remaining": 0,
        "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761825/uoesswsh288blhxqxgco.jpg",
        "offer": "Offert",
        "nb_views": 47
        "id": 35,
        "name": "OFFRE FLASH DU MOMENT à NE PAS MANQ",
        "flash": true,
        "times_remaining": 15,
        "picture": null,
        "offer": "Offert",
        "nb_views": 62

This endpoint retrieves businesses with online shop or not, in the 10km around.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
online false true : online businesses are also return
false : only shop and itinerant businesses are selected
lat latitude latitude of user position or map center
lng longitude longitude of user position or map center

Get a specific business

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": 4,
  "name": "INSPIRESELF",
  "activity": "Pour votre inspiration",
  "url": "",
  "phone": "+33663075090",
  "email": "",
  "description": "Nous offrons des produits efficaces, réduisant considérablement les effets nocifs (chaleur, maux de têtes, migraines, baisse d'énergie, perte d'équilibre, manque d'ancrage, stress ) générés par les pollutions éléctromagnétiques des téléphones portables, ordinateurs, box wifi, tablettes, montres connectées, DECT, écoutes -bébés, tv en fait tous appareils émettant des ondes éléctromagnétiques de très hautes ou très basses fréquences....",
  "business_category_id": 10,
  "facebook": null,
  "twitter": null,
  "instagram": null,
  "leader_first_name": "Patrice",
  "leader_last_name": "Buyle",
  "leader_description": null,
  "online": true,
  "shop": true,
  "itinerant": true,
  "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761809/yfz18ahljkatmdpmsovp.jpg",
  "leader_picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761810/fphwrhdgl0yh1zty9j2x.jpg",
  "like": 0,
  "unlike": 0,
  "link_video": null,
  "address": {
    "id": 20,
    "street": "rue de la Boétie",
    "zipcode": "33300",
    "city": "Bordeaux",
    "latitude": 44.839438,
    "longitude": -0.5803727,
    "main": true,
    "timetables": [
        "day": "lundi",
        "start_at": "05:00",
        "end_at": "07:00"
        "day": "dimanche",
        "start_at": "15:00",
        "end_at": "19:00"
  "labels": [
      "name": "Produits éco-responsables",
      "picture": "labels/produits_eco-responsables.svg"
      "name": "Politique anti-gaspillage",
      "picture": "labels/politique_anti-gaspillage.svg"
  "perks": [
      "id": 4,
      "name": "25% SUR LE PREMIER PRODUIT ACHETé !",
      "description": "Pour vous accueillir en tant que nouveau client, nous vous offrons 25% sur le premier produit acheté :-)",
      "times": 0,
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "active": true,
      "perk_code": "CFORGOOD",
      "nb_views": 2,
      "appel": true,
      "durable": false,
      "flash": false,
      "perk_detail_id": 2,
      "all_day": false,
      "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761814/lhc1bxpwlliscwth3kma.jpg",
      "times_remaining": 0,
      "offer": "Offert",
      "usable_for_user": true

This endpoint retrieves a specific business with its perks in detail. The field “usable_for_user” specifies if the perk is available or unavailable for the user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format Description
id integer The id of the business to retrieve
address_id integer The id of the business address

Perk Detail (perk_detail_id)

This is the way the perk can be used

Parameter Description
1 Carte : Show member card at the shop
2 Email : Send an email
3 Online : Connect to the service (websebsite)


Perks is an API allowing retreive a specific perk.

Get a specific perk

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": 13,
  "description": "Pour chaque première commande, un cadeau de bienvenue offert ! ",
  "times": 0,
  "start_date": null,
  "end_date": null,
  "active": true,
  "perk_code": "ZESI7",
  "nb_views": 39,
  "appel": true,
  "durable": false,
  "flash": false,
  "perk_detail_id": 3,
  "perk_detail_name": "carte",
  "all_day": false,
  "picture": null,
  "times_remaining": 0,
  "offer": "Offert",
  "usable_for_user": true

This endpoint retrieve a specific perk.

HTTPS Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format Description
id integer The id of the perk to retrieve


CauseCategories is an API allowing retreive all the cause categories.

Get all cause categories

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Humanitaire",
    "color": "#ff9e00",
    "picture": {
      "picture": {
        "url": "",
        "thumb": {
          "url": ",dpr_2.0,h_100,w_100/v1479761700/nj0gbkqzoe7gwtnkbw22.png"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Culturel",
    "color": "#8e513a)",
    "picture": {
      "picture": {
        "url": "",
        "thumb": {
          "url": ",dpr_2.0,h_100,w_100/v1479761701/quy11yy9oj5emwsx8hah.png"

This endpoint list all cause categories.

HTTPS Request



Causes is an API allowing retrieve a list of causes, a specific cause and permit to create a cause.

Get some causes

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": 16,
      "name": "Keep A Breast Europe",
      "impact": "25€ permettent de financer un atelier éducatif, créatif et ludique pour sensibiliser les 5/11 ans",
      "cause_category": "Culturel",
      "picture": null,
      "like": 0,
      "city": "Bordeaux"
      "id": 5,
      "name": "Keep A Breast Europe",
      "impact": "25€ permettent de financer un atelier éducatif, créatif et ludique pour sensibiliser les 5/11 ans",
      "cause_category": "Santé",
      "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761743/drftnjctv9peeqcjdcq4.jpg",
      "like": 0,
      "city": "Bordeaux"
      "id": 8,
      "name": "Entr-Autres",
      "impact": "200€ aide un jeune À se RÉINSÉRER",
      "cause_category": "Insertion/Précarité",
      "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761769/kbbcobil2eogqz8yuymp.jpg",
      "like": 0,
      "city": "Bordeaux"
      "id": 7,
      "name": "Disco Soupe",
      "impact": "100€ financent une disco soupe",
      "cause_category": "Environnement",
      "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761760/x04dogcw8edn2s4s0guc.jpg",
      "like": 3,
      "city": "Bordeaux"
      "id": 4,
      "name": "Osons Ici et Maintenant",
      "impact": "Révéler le potentiel des jeunes 18 - 30 ans",
      "cause_category": "Entrepreneuriat Social",
      "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761735/lxnjjnsgljonbq89oifv.jpg",
      "like": 0,
      "city": "Bègles"

This endpoint retrieves causes, order by distance.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
lat latitude latitude of user position
lng longitude longitude of user position

Get a specific cause

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": 5,
  "name": "Keep A Breast Europe",
  "impact": "25€ permettent de financer un atelier éducatif, créatif et ludique pour sensibiliser les 5/11 ans",
  "picture": ",dpr_2.0,h_350,w_450/v1479761743/drftnjctv9peeqcjdcq4.jpg",
  "logo": ",dpr_2.0,h_100,w_100/v1479761745/pl56rirwnzuymh6famoh.jpg",
  "like": 0,
  "description": "Créée en 2008, Keep A Breast Foundation Europe est une association à but non lucratif et reconnue d’intérêt général dont la mission est d'apporter aux jeunes du monde entier l'éducation indispensable à la bonne connaissance de l’impact de leur environnement sur leur santé en général et leur poitrine en particulier.",
  "link_video": "",
  "facebook": "KeepABreastFrance",
  "twitter": "keepabreastEU",
  "instagram": "keepabreasteu",
  "phone": null,
  "email": "",
  "url": "",
  "street": "15, rue Francis Garnier",
  "zipcode": " 33000 ",
  "city": "Bordeaux",
  "representative_first_name": "Keep",
  "representative_last_name": "Breast",
  "representative_testimonial": null,
  "user_cause": false

This endpoint retrieves a specific cause.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format Description
id integer id of the cause to retreive

Post a Cause


{ "cause":
    "civility": 1,
    "representative_first_name": "Keep",
    "representative_last_name": "Breast",
    "email": "",
    "cause_category_id": 2,
    "name": "Keep A Breast Europe",
    "impact": "25€ permettent de financer un atelier éducatif, créatif et ludique pour sensibiliser les 5/11 ans",
    "description": "Créée en 2008, Keep A Breast Foundation Europe est une association à but non lucratif et reconnue d’intérêt général dont la mission est d'apporter aux jeunes du monde entier l'éducation indispensable à la bonne connaissance de l’impact de leur environnement sur leur santé en général et leur poitrine en particulier.",
    "street": "15, rue Francis Garnier",
    "zipcode": "33000",
    "city": "Bordeaux"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": 9

This endpoint creates a specific cause.

HTTP Request



Parameter Format Description
civility integer 1 : M
2 : Mme
representative_first_name string
representative_last_name string
email string
cause_category_id integer id of cause category (cf: index cause_categories)
name string
impact string
description string
street string
zipcode string
city string


Contacts is an API allowing create contacts to invite.

Post some new contacts


{ "contacts":
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "Allan",
      "last_name": "Floury",
      "city": "Bordeaux",
      "phone": "0102030405"
      "first_name": "Fred",
      "last_name": "Pétris",
      "city": "Bordeaux",
      "phone": "0102030405"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "nb_contacts": 3,
    "sponsoring_done": true,
    "code_sponsor": "GOODSPONSOR231"

This endpoint creates some new contacts.

HTTPS Request



Parameter Format  Description
email string Email of the contact (optional)
first_name string First name of the contact
last_name string Last time of the contact
city string City of the contact
phone string phone of the contact


The Cforgood API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized – Your API header parameters are wrong
403 Forbidden – The resource requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified resource could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access API with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
410 Gone – The resource requested has been removed from our servers
418 I’m a teapot
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many resources! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.